WIBTA if I forbid my husband from going on a trip for a course?

So, I might not be the best to speak on this. As I do not have a husband or child, but I’m all for empowered woman. I say don’t forbid him. If he goes, you go too! And I mean you go see your family for two months prior to your baby is born and for a couple months after, if you able of course. Everything that I’ve heard about having a child sounds painfully and going through that alone, would a HELL TO THE MOTHER FUCKING NO for me. I understand furthering your education, but speaking to the course directors is an option. Most of us who work in the education field aren’t complete utter assholes, so there may be something they can do. If he isn’t willing to try to find a solution that works for you and your family, I think that itself speaks volumes.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread