Wickd 1v3 outplay on Irelia vs LDLC

cleaver was changed very recently.

It was. What's your point? We didn't see any pro matches being played with the changes.

Frozen mallet is really strong in the tank meta and gives you alot of catch potential.

It is sometimes built on Gnar, not only Wickd builds it.

Best example is soaz trundle in the mundo renekton shyvana toplane meta.

I don't recall that. When season did it happen and did Soaz change the meta by picking Trundle (without any buffs/nerfs)? Was his Trundle the most effective pick in his comp? Did it catch his opponents off guard? If you tell me when it occurred I can look at the match(es) and evaluate them.

If you look at his damage dealt in the games he played it, hes almost dealing as much damage as his carries while still being considerably tanky.

If it's only true for one player, it might only have little say on the whole picture (all players combined). Rekkles had very little damage dealt for an AD carry in the stats which were on this sub's frontpage and the articles which were posted after each season. The conclusion which one would draw, if one doesn't know any other ADC's stats are that ADCs don't deal much damage in general. But other ADCs did much more damage than him, leading to the conclusion that only he did less and ADCs in general do much. If Soaz had uncharacteristic numbers for his role he is not the norm, he is an extrem. But as I said, I don't know what you are referring to and have to look it up.

look at how its less efficient if youre playing it the standart way while failing to understand that it may be just as effective if you play it out differently.

That is a flawed argument. Millions of people play LoL. People try out different builds all the time, each second, teams have analysts in full-time positions and part of those jobs is to theorycraft and run numbers on items. The best way will be figured out and will win more than every other way. It will be copied and become the most used way. It becomes meta. The most effective way to build.

This doesn't rule out niche items, as some items are more beneficial in situations which don't often occur.

If you have a full tank jungler and somewhat low damage on your carries you might want to consider putting some on your toplaner

In SoloQ, sure, that's what I try to do in my games too. In low level ranked 5v5s, that's what I do. Etc, etc. In competitive games between good teams (LCS, LCK, LPL etc, etc.) if you have very low damage comps you will lose the game. It doesn't matter if you build damage on your tanks. I'm pretty sure there have been examples of that in MSI, but it would take me too long to look up the games as I can't remember which ones it were exactly. But that's a completely different topic, it's about P/B and comps in general, not about items.

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