Wife Dropped the Bi-Curious Bombshell on Me.

Is this not why it's being communicated? Or has it happened already? or is it something where there is curiosity but nothing has happened yet? It's not cheating if there is an agreed upon approach to working with it. If a new premise is introduced, communicated and agreed upon as a condition, then there is no breach of the conditions. It can be very difficult to expand the conditions of a pre-existing relationship because change is often challenging and people sometimes feel scared that their own emotional security is threatened. It's a thing that jealousy can be tough to deal with pragmatically, but if you're open to understanding it and working through it, you can grow a greater sense of emotional robustness. Another option is that she is trying to suggest that she is feeling dissatisfied with the current state of the relationship and is looking for ways that can alleviate that dissatisfaction, and part of that process is recognizing that as she gains a broader perspective on what kinds of relationships people can and do share, maybe she's found that she doesn't relate to the old model of "ideal" relationship in quite the same way as she used to It could be directly to do with how you are, or what she feels she is getting from you, or it could be plain old just about where she's at in her own life, and she's curious about what other experiences can be enjoyed. One thing I found when I was married was that as soon as my partner started putting restrictions on me because of her own experiences (e.g., she didn't want me to smoke pot because SHE had a freakout one of the times that she smoked) and it very quickly ended the relationship because it became about a power dynamic rather than being about relating.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - imgur.com