Wife looked at me funny when I told her I was "saving the power grid"

The rule about not allowing any trees to grow too close to a house is an important one. Heck, it seems like there is a whole list of things I wish knew before I made, or allowed a mistake to happen, in my life. There should be a book of knowledge for people to refer to after they reach age 15-30. Things that are not told because maybe everyone assumes that everyone already knows, or thinks it should all be obvious, but maybe not.

Some of the rules the book might have-

"Never allow any tree or bush to be or grow closer than 10-15 feet of the roof of your living area. If you do not give the animals a route to your roof they are less likely to get on your roof."

Keep you gutters clean. Clogged gutters can ruin a perfect foundation.

If the squirrels are gnawing on your gutter in basically the same area, and you can safely reach that gutter, try dumping some super hot sauce (yes like taco sauce, but hotter) on the area, or maybe dump some sauce in a small bowl and use a paint brush or paper towel to dab sauce all over the area the squirrels are gnawing on.

Other good idea-

While driving in any parking lot assume that any car could suddenly back out, pull in or come screaming around the corner and smash in to you. Try to avoid being at fault, drive very very carefully in every parking lot.

Change the oil in your car at least every 3000-6000 miles. period.

If your "engine over-heat" light comes on, or your "oil low light" comes on, in your car, stop immediately or as soon as safely possible. If you continue to drive it is highly likely that your engine will be destroyed.

Check the air in your tires when ever the outdoor temperatures change by 50-60 degrees up or down.

How much you pay for a stock should affect your decision about whether or not to sell it. e.g. Holding a stock while hoping and praying that it will go back up to what you paid for it could cost your dearly. The only thing that matters is what you think it will do. If you think it is a good stock and will go back up, then maybe buy more (lowering your average cost), if you think it is a bad stock, dump it, dump it now, without regard to how much you paid for it.

Always try to buy a 1000 shares of stock, that way every time it goes up a buck, you make a $1000

There are a lot more rules, but that rule about not allowing any tree to grow within 15 of your house is an important one, not only to avoid squirrels but also avoid racoons and possums.

/r/kansascity Thread Link - imgur.com