WikiLeaks releases Marble source code, used by the CIA to hide the source of malware it deployed

How about this, we strive to hold our intelligence agencies accountable for their actions, seek greater oversight, and work to eliminate programs that are blatantly detrimental to the people they're supposed to be working for. But, at the same time, we don't pretend that stuff like this invalidates criticism of literally everything else going on with the government right now.

There's no reason why you need to be "Team Wikileaks" or "Team Intelligence Agencies". Neither party is impartial, neither party is wholly trustworthy, and neither deserve your undying loyalty. That also means people can call out Wikileaks for their blatant politicized agenda while still thinking that the CIA should not be engaging in acts against its constituents. Nothing is black and white and proving that the CIA does bad stuff over and over again doesn't justify what other parts of the government are doing, have done, or will do. Nor does Wikileaks exposing this information mean they are the saviors of impartiality and transparency that people pretend they are. Evaluate what is going on for yourselves and always question who benefits from it.

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