You know what? I'm getting real sick of all your shit, /r/nfl. "Oooh, I really want Peyton Manning to have a storybook ending to his career." "Uh oh, looks like I'm cheering for the Rest-of-America Not-the-Patriots again this year." "They can't keep getting away with it!" You know what, /r/nfl. Go tuck yourselves in, because I'm about to tear into your quivering assholes here.

Every year, we have to put up with wave after wave of bullshit about how awful all our success is. How having the greatest QB ever makes us vile scum, and how by even being a fan, we are on par ethically with the Galactic Empire and Count Dracula. Well, guess what? You want us to be evil? You want us to be the villain? Fuck it, we'll be evil - we'll be your villain. Just remember two fucking things. You made us this way, and second, this isn't fantasy - this is the grim dark reality of every day life.

You want Peyton to have a storybook finale? Guess what - his stroybook is a fucking Shakespearean tragedy. "

/r/nfl Thread