I will redpill you on psych meds

My life was a mess until I started treating my ADHD with Adderall. I also take Busporine for my low level anxiety and it helps me feel like a normal person. I didn't use medication and focused on therapy, diet, and lifestyle for 5 years and while it was incredibly helpful and gave me great coping skills, nothing really clicked into place until I added medication to the list.

Likewise, I had an ex with bipolar disorder. On medication he was ambitious, smart and calm. Once he stops taking it he becomes super aggressive, reckless, and his personality gets all twisted up. He's currently homeless and using meth, if that tells you anything.

I think that medication is over prescribed and a lot if mental health issues can be resolved with lifestyle changes. But not everything can be solved so simply. I work in healthcare and there is actually a huge shift being planned to add more focus on behavioral health. Lots of jobs opening up and clinics are changing the way they handle comprehensive patient care. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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