I will be a university graduate in the spring (major in Legal Studies) and I'm looking to start a career. Does anyone know of any entry level public service employment opportunities or resources I should be looking into?

I would say that, at all times, spam apply those damned jobs.gc.ca postings. Don't forget to bitch and moan about the lack of English Essential postings - it's kind of a rite of passage everyone goes through. In the mean time, try to get work in whatever field you want to work in. Try one of the temp agencies and keep your expectations damned low - your real pay is in experience, not money. And when you get in, take on whatever people will let you do. If your position is "fuzzy" then all the better - start helping people with everything you can. This will help you to fill-in all those damned experience questions in those jobs.gc.ca postings you're applying to.

On those postings, fill out 5/5 for every question they have about experience, and then justify it in the box, clearly referring to one of the things listed on your resume. If they ask you if you've ever used some old shit like Claris Works, don't worry - nobody under 30 has either - just say "yes" and imagine Microsoft Word was Claris at your last job. They're the same damned thing anyway, just separated by about 20 years of development. Each department has their own stupid software that nobody will have used unless they worked at that specific department. Find an analogue that real people actually use, that you know, and say yes.

Eventually, you'll get invited to do an online test. You'll do that, then you'll get called for a more involved testing session. You'll do that (maybe something else, and maybe some kind of preliminary interview), and then you'll get put into a pool. You'll sit there for at least a year.

Then, one day, you'll get a call for an interview and you'll dust off the cobwebs from your memories as you try to recall which frigging pool they're tapping you from. You'll be invited to an interview. You'll do that, follow up, hear nothing. And then you'll get an email back, with (hopefully), an informal offer. You'll try not to sound enthusiastic as you reply that you are interested.

You'll wait an awkwardly long time and then get an email with a scanned PDF, something like "LOO - Meraw (fr)" and you'll shit your pants. Welcome aboard.

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