Will you vote for Hillary Clinton for president?

Oh, ffs. I know what she is. The reality is, it's Clinton or a Judge like Scalia who believes that God should dictate his legal views. The difference being, you get three or four people just like him that are allowed to lead our nation for decades. Decades.

We're not talking about moderate Republicans here, which you can argue Hilary is. We're talking about zealots and lunatics who are willing to doom our nation to win a political battle.

You get four-eight years of Hilary or decades of radical viewpoints in the highest court in office. What in the ever loving shit is Elizabeth Warren going to do when the Supreme Court will take up any and every challenge against her policies?

Power to the people? Great. But if you allow Republicans to declare victory, millions will suffer for decades because she wasn't your ideal candidate. 14-million more Americans have insurance now. That's without any expansions in many Republican-led states. And we almost lost Obamacare due to the Supreme Court. You want to give them a super-majority because you want to be a revolutionary without actually becoming one? Go right ahead. But we'll suffer for it. You're batshit if you don't view Hilary as a better option than the party that prides itself on touting Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum as respectable candidates.

We have other options. I hope we can get behind someone better than Hilary. But I'm not going to rid myself of a vote when millions of lives are potentially at risk if I stay home. The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but I don't want Republicans in control of our nation. Most moderate Republicans would not want these clowns to run their nation.

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