Woman and Golden Retriever Mauled, Owner Picks Up Dog and Runs

Eight houses down an elderly lady got sent to a nursing home after she and her little dog were attacked by a pit and run. The nutter couldn't even stay around to help her. She'd lived there 50 years. Raised a family. And the final day there, her only companion was torn to shreds and she was hospitalized to receive stitches and rabies shots.

The police eventually found the owner. The cop was attacked by his 2 pits (shortly before he emptied his firearm into them.) Unfortunately the owner didn't receive the same fate. I walk by her house every day with my little Wolfie. She's the reason that I bought a firearm. I won't hesitate to rain hell fire and misery on any pit and nutter that attacks us.

/r/BanPitBulls Thread Link - patch.com