Women don't crave drama. They crave the data and power drama gives them.

Their logic is different, while still effective. The belief that women love drama for no reason is wrong. Women thrive on interpersonal conflict because it gives them the data they need to diagnose any issues they may have relating to their position in their tribe or with their mate.


A woman will create drama in her relationship because it's raining and the rain makes her upset.

You're trying to understand emotions by using logic. You think that their is a specific reason woman do things, when really they're responding to how they feel in that particular moment.

I highly suggest you read/listen to: The way of the superior man By David D.

IMO this book is such an important piece of literature, it should be taught in schools.

A key point at the beginning of the book is that there are two type of polarities. Feminine polarity: (emotions, change) and Masculine polarity: (Certainty, Presence)

All men and woman have both masculine and feminine tendencies. But each individual will lean to one side more then the other.

A girl can activate her masculine side and think through logic in the same way men do, however her natural mode is to act & react through her feminine wiring. And when in a relationship, if the man assumes the masculine role, the girl will naturally assume the feminine one at any point in time, vice versa.

This links to why chicks love drama.

When they're in that emotional state, they're reacting to everything around them. Think of a conversation with your girl when she just wont shut up. She may say something like "omg susie is such a bitch at work, I hate working shifts with her" and your reply is "so don't talk to her?" - Masculine energy (certainty) you try find a solution asap, you don't care enough about Susie to have a long winded conversation about her. Chances are your girl already knows how to avoid Susie too, but she wants your validation and to continue upping her emotions. Where you want to find a solution, your girl wants to keep talking and receive emotional spikes.

David D goes deep with this stuff, it blew my mind the first time I listened to his audio book.

Where as a masculine person

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