Do women "lack empathy" ?

Um, I disagree. attractive women might be able to find a well of dude to pay bills for them. Ugly women? no dice. Fat women? probably not. Women who are darker skinned? good joke man. And I think we can both agree that 90% of women would not want to resort to sex work to make the ends meet.

I'd first ask why you're a female and fat? The only thing in life women need to be is not fat, and while I have the most sympathy for fat people and am aware first hand how difficult changing your body is, that should be your number 1 concern in life if you also have a vagina.

As for skin colour, that's not that big a factor. I've met a lot of cute muslim girls that were held back in more because of cultural stigmatisms towards...everything than by their skin colour.

Trust me when I say that there are 10 sad pathetic guys who will do anything to win women's favour for every 1 woman who doesn't think she could be the beneficiary of said men's favour.

I have no idea why every woman doesn't have a GoneWild account and a connected Amazon wishlist so sad hopeless dudes can buy you $2000 high heels.

You're basically saying that women have it easier because they have the extremely bad and stigmatizing option of sex work to rely on if things go badly. I could similarly say that men can go become gigolos and sleep with other men in order to make ends meet. It still doesn't change the fact that most men and women do work jobs, do pay mortgages and face the same things. I.e. life.

No, that's not at all what I'm saying, although I agree with that sentiment. If all else fails, women can simply become strippers or partake in other adult entertainment industries and still make many times more what I make at my real job.

That being said, I'm saying women's lives are easier because they are the recipient of cognitive biases and own a total monopoly on a privilege that pretty much controls men's behavior on a daily basis, which in turn rewards them extensive privilege.

Only if you are white, young and attractive. ** Do you think if you were a fat black 55 year old woman, you would be able to run a POF bracket?** Would men want to go on a date with you? or pay for the pleasure of it?

I mean, it would certainly be harder, but not that much so. There are lots of men who enjoy BBW, and black BBW is a large niche.

You are using exceptions to prove the norm. Sure attractive women have benefits. Hell, attractive men make more money. Does that mean all men are attractive and make more money? Nope.

I would say it's a norm, I'd say it's an advantage in live women voluntarily choose to shirk.

How do we abstain from responsibilities? And before you say nonsense like "women can be stay at home moms" I'd respond that men are abstaining from the responsibility of taking care of their kids in that case, so no dice.

I'm not saying women DO do this as a general statement, I'm saying women have the ability not to if they so chose. Many women seem not to abstain even though they can. No one is abstaining from anything in a family situation of a working dad and a stay at home mom. Both partners are fulfilling their roles to provide a functional household.

Women do work less hard to get through school, get jobs etc though, with the possible exception of STEM fields, although I've been told by a woman that getting a job in STEM as a woman was a cakewalk because most of STEM is made of incels and the women in STEM hire more women on purpose only because they want more women to interact with.

I'm very sorry. That doesn't give you the right to make broad, counter-factual generalizations about all women, including someone like me who doesn't know you, and never broke a guy's heart

I find that hard to believe.

Repeating my question doesn't prove your point.

I'm not repeating your question, I'm asking you to qualify it because I don't agree and would like you to express your opinion.

I mean what are you guys talking about? In my circle of neuroscience/bio majors no one has sexed anyone through college. As for having sex with people they will not marry, some girls and guys will do that. I mean TPR guys sleep with tons of girls and then may get married in the future. Should I call that the "cunt" carousel? I believe it was called "sowing your wild oats". Not gender exclusive.

I don't really know what you're asking specifically. You just expressed your anecdote that your nerdy science girlfriends don't often have sex. I mean, lots of women have sex in their youth. Most of those women prefer sexing hyper masculine ideals. I'm not sure what you're contending. Clarify maybe?

Girls, like guys, have sex for different reasons, some for adventure, some for fun, some to increase commitment or show love and some just because. But you will not marry every guy you have sex with with, just like men will sleep with crazy girl who calls you at 2 am to cry about ex boyfriend, but not marry her.

Why is that a bad thing?

The CC is about slutshaming sluts, and coming to an understanding that women are sluts for "alpha" men when they're young and choose "betas" when they're older. This is typically offensive to men, and as most men aren't alphas, they aren't the ones able to participate in this activity either, so it's a double-whammy.

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