They won't miss me. They won't even notice that i'm gone or care. There's nothing left keeping me here anymore. I don't matter. They won't miss me.

But basically as humans we are social creatures for the most part (there is always an exception to any rule)... I feel by reading what you have said about having nothing left keeping you around is possibly an indirect outcry to have something to keep you around.

It's not.

We crave social interaction. This site allows me to have some without talking to people who I'll see ever again. That way I can slip out of the lives of people I care about without bothering them, and still satisfy that pathetic need for human contact that I'll have until I'm finished.

I mean this sounds like nitpicking and semantics but you said you don't matter anymore only to follow up with that you never did.

I don't see how that's hard to understand. I do not matter. I never did matter. Those two statements do not contradict each other.

I think you're overthinking this.

It sounds like you are following a mental narrative that is picking selective truths in your past to justify the actions in which you are seeking.

I'm confused as to how that's a bad thing. That's what everyone does with everything. if I asked you why you were commenting here, you would pick selective things from your past to explain the actions you are currently taking.

I think you're overthinking this a lot. It's really not as complicated as you're making it out to be.

but I can say you didn't say much on here for me to arrive towards any opinion if you should or should not kill yourself.

That's because that wasn't the point of the post. i wasn't trying to convince you that I should kill myself. I vented. The end.

Again, it's really not as complex as you seem to think it is.

Not as if you need to explain or justify your actions mind you, but from what you said I just get that vibe of uncertainty.

You got an incorrect vibe.

o that means you have time, I'm willing to test my immunity to poison or to determine if you are poisonous that is if you care to talk to me.

I'm not. That as the point of the post. I'm no longer willing to take that chance. It never ends well. the end.

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