‘The world flipped upside down’: will end of Roe galvanize Democrats’ base in midterms? | Democrats believe a brewing backlash after June ruling will reshape the battle for control of Congress and statehouses this fall

The fact that the vp a democrat who imprisoned people for weed, laughed as she admitted she has always smoked? The fact that there's billions of dollars in weed flooding america legally and yet thousands of people incarcerated for selling weed?

The fact that they constantly don't do a damn thing they campaign on? The fact that they actively fucked over candidates they don't want to win?

The fact that they are just as in bed with lobbyists as the republicans?

The fact that through their complacency the republicans have been able to run a muck which so happens to give them leverage for this next cycle even tho they've done almost Jack shit!

You have clearly drinking the koolaid if you don't believe the democrats are just as fucked as the republicans. They are but 2 wolfs in different color sheep skin my friend.

They do not care about us, (the people) they care about profit and what the lobbyists will pay them.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com