Worth buying?

  1.    Depending on the circumstances (and the players) you may face a sort of elimination but, in situations such as bomb, it becomes more tactical by planting the defusers etc. 
  2.    Throughout the game you'll find some classes are staple and needed, such as tThermite. This means that teamwork is almost always required to survive and progress (see 5).
  3.    I've seen hackers in a very small number of the games I've played (600 ish). The only time a lot of hackers seem to be present is within the top end of ranked games, around diamond rank.
  4.    So far, I've bought nothing bar the original game and I have everything I need to kick some opfors where the sun doesn't shine. Attachments are relatively cheap. The first operator you buy from each faction will cost 500 Renown, an additional 500 for each operator you buy from there, within the faction. The DLC operators cost 25k each so if you are on limited time the pass may be a good idea. Apart from that, I am at no disadvantage because someone has a different weapon skin to me.
  5.    Since hackers seem to be present in ranked, at this moment some higher ranked players seem to play casual more. This can be a problem as they're obviously  better than a new player but some teamwork can circumvent that. Of course there will be the '12yo's that play this game a lot but once you've amassed some playtime and some people to play with it will begin to seem more fun.

Personally, I think it is a really fun game that, in the dream of Counter-Strike, teamwork is paramount and people to play with will make the game both more fun and interesting. Though it can (for a full flung noob) be a slow start it's easy to pickup and I find it fun.

-- Your time restrictions shouldn't have too much of and issue and low level ranked is, in my opinion is more fun than casual (because teamwork is actually needed to win).

(That was just my opinion)

/r/Rainbow6 Thread