A group of high schoolers in Tulsa ditched class to sneak into a Trump rally and get this pic taken before being swiftly escorted out.

Trump is not an extremist xenophobe, the two policy proposals that have got him labeled as such are his call to deport illegal immigrants and to stop Muslims from entering the US. Let's examine them:

I'm not sure why calling for a deportation of illegal immigrants is xenophobic, is it impractical? In the case of the US, probably. But if someone illegally enters a country they have no right to be there and deportation is the obvious solution. Trump is basically saying he will enforce the law, the fact that this has generated so much controversy pretty much shows how far the Overtoon window has been pushed and why Trump resonates with so many people. He is simply calling for the implementation of the existing punishment of a crime.

As for banning Muslims, it's important to remember that Islam is not a race, culture, or nationality. It is a religion that consists of a set of beliefs about the world and how people should act. Some of the most fundamental beliefs of Islam are extremely worrying and abhorrent, for example that the Qur'an is the direct, unchangeable word of God (this is a book that directly endorses slavery, religious apartheid, and amputation and crucification as a form of punishment) and that Muhammad (a man who massacred unarmed POWs and had sex with a nine year old) lived a literally perfect life and is a model for how to live. It should be further worrying that immense numbers of Muslims have views that exist in complete contradiction to the western way of life.

Furthermore, Trump doesn't even want to permanently ban Muslims from the US, or even all Muslims as he has said dignitaries and athletes etc who clearly pose no threat will be let into the country. His policy is that until the US can distinguish between Jihadists and regular Muslims the ban will remain in place. People looking for a more hardline anti-muslim stance will find it in the "extremist xenophobic" country of Slovakia whose acting prime minister has said he wishes to prevent a Muslim community from ever forming in his country.

There's a worrying trend in the discourse about immigration that people from non-western countries are entitled to live in the west and preventing them from doing so is somehow racist or xenophobic. In reality a country's immigration policy's only goal is to maximise the benefits the people coming in will bring and minimise the negatives. It's quite clear that Muslim immigrants bring nothing of value to any country that can't also come from other equally willing immigrant groups, but they do bring the spectre of radical Jihadism that other groups do not.

That Paris and Brussels have become central hubs for terrorism in Europe is not unrelated to their large Muslim populations and as a European I would never wish for a similar situation to unfold in the USA and Trump seems to understand this well.

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