Wow, Jeb Bush Is Awful

Wow, this is politics at its worst. Jeb was asked a hypothetical question (and a loaded on at that) about whether or not he would voted to invade Iraq back then. Not knowing what we know now, just back then. And he is getting smeared because he gave the most honest answer possible. He said, back then, the intel was so convincing that he would have voted to invaded based on it. Read this again, people: It was so convincing that even Hillary voted on it. That's the truth. Any other answer would be lying. If Hillary were to be asked the exact same question, any other answer than "yes" would be a lie because SHE DID VOTE TO INVADE IRAQ. So this makes Jeb "awful" because he didn't play a dance and give a typical politician answer? Who do we want to run our country, people?

Now, had they asked him "Today, knowing what you know now, would you invade Iraq" that would have been a more fair question. Nobody would...because hindsight is 20/20. But you guys are going to blame Jeb Bush for something he wasn't even a part of? Is that what politics is today? Judge someone on hypothetical questions? That's funny, because nobody is talking about the fact that Hillary DID vote to invade Iraq. Instead, they are slamming Jeb because he hypothetically would have.

Cmon, people, politics HAS to be better than this. Otherwise, we are just going to get a President based on what the other candidates may or may not have done, and not on what the person can offer as a President. The fact that the media keeps running with this is disgusting. Where are the articles about what these candidates promise to do? What do these candidates offer for the way forward?

I really wish that articles about what the candidates offer would be on the front page. Instead, we have continual articles about the SAME hypothetical bullshit question blasted in our face. It's the fourth time this week that it's on the front page of /r/Politics. And each time, the titles are getting more and more vile. It's gotten so bad that the author thinks "Wow, Jeb Bush is Awful" is a good, constructive title.

I don't think he is awful for answering a hypothetical question honestly. He could have take the chicken shit, political way out and fluffed an answer. But he just said "hey, this shit was so convincing at the time that yeah, I would have voted Yes". Good for you Jeb, because back then, so would have everyone else (which they DID).

From now on, I hope that the media focuses on what the candidates have to offer. Otherwise, we are fucked.

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