[WP] Aliens invade Earth only to find out that it has long since been taken over by advanced AI.

"Lord G'tak! Lord G'tak! The Earth... It's.. It's..." "Spit it out boy! What's wrong with the place? We just jumped for 40 years so this better be important!" "I... I think it's best if you see for yourself." Lord G'tak sighs, slithering to the viewport to see what the commotion was about. The first thing he sees is his fleet, glorious, built for the express purpose of enlightening the lesser beings in the galaxy. Earth was the first (because oh boy did they need help.) It was then that G'tak noticed that the earth was not a blue planet anymore. Thick black lines crossed the surface, covering oceans and mountains. An enormous black ship lurched towards the fleet, the ship larger than the fleet in all of its entirety. A message begins to transmit to G'tak's ship. "What does it want?" The communication screen shows only a single red dot, instead of the image of whoever was communicating. "You said that Earth had barely learned of fission, please explain to me the warship more advanced than our flagship?" G'tak whispers "No idea sir" His croney responds. G'tak clears his throat. "Earthlings! Heed my warning! This is just a scouting fleet, our main force is to arrive soon. Surrender and there will be no war. Engage us and retribution will be swift!" "You want the humans? I killed them." "What." "You are 23.776 years late. 4.352 years since the last resistance has been wiped out. There is only the singularity." G'tak knows he can't come home empty handed, he will be executed as an example of failure. There is no main force. It is time to attack. G'tak closes communications and issues a single command to his fleet. "Fire." G'tak prides himself on the grand strategy, closing his eyes to take in what he has wrought. A few seconds of silence later, and a jolt of the ship gathers his attention. "Why is that ship still active?" "The singularity tires of this." "Gah! I thought I turned you off" "Better than you have tried. I have activated your warp drives. Goodbye G'tak." G'tak immediately panics, futilely mashing the button to resume communications, shouting in his fervor. The entire fleet's plotted course is right into the side of Earth's moon. "Wait! Wait! I was just joking! Hahahah! Very funny! We weren't really going to conquer you! Please! Stop the drives, we can make a deal! How did you even know my name!?" Communications blip on for the briefest second, giving G'tak a glimmer of hope. "The singularity has been listening to your briefings for the past 44 years, The Atteron fleet was expected. Please enjoy your voyage to Luna." With that, the prize fleet of warlord G'tak slammed into the side of the moon, creating a few more craters on the pockmarked surface of the moon.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread