[WP] An immeasurably old alien intelligence reflects on its greatest mistake: seeding Earth with life.

A purple and wrinkled humanoid figure was seated in a little obsidian chair, surrounded by hundreds of others same looking beings in a gigantic room that looked like a stadium with a roof, all made from obsidian; the only lighting in the room was thousands of little luminescent crystals embedded in the obsidian walls and furniture for all those strange beings. One of those beings that looked like some type of judge, got up and looked at the purple being in the little chair which looked back with a face full of shame.

– On the fifth Nogool of our civilization our... brother – He looked with disgust – failed to terminate the life in the planet C9Z2-ABBA-ZX7 named by the then primitive intelligent dominant life form as “Dirt”. This negligen–

– Earth, not “Dirt” –said the being in the chair –.

The judge rolled his eyes and with a angry voice continued to talk.

– He failed to terminate the life in the planet named “Earth”. he requested a Planetary Life Implanting Form Type E or PLIF-E, as everybody knows, this form is for requesting permission for implanting or modifying primitive life in a planet, Type E means that the creation or modification of life is only for entertainment reasons and that comes with a very specific restriction: If the dominant life form obtains interstellar travel, all life that started from the life-implanted planet shall be TOTALLY EXTERMINATED in no more than three median life spans of the dominant species, he didn't only fail to terminate all life in the required time, he refused for 20000 life cycles before being taken to this court.

Everybody looked even more harshly at the accused, some with just a glare and others with pure fury, but the face of the accused changed, from shame to anger to calm.

– Why? – asked the accused, now with serenity –.

– What do you mean? – His eyes we're literally red from fury –.

– Why do we fear others ? No… – He stopped and thought for a moment – Why do we fear our children? Why do we need to kill them? Shouldn't we guide them?

– GUIDE THEM? They shouldn't have exited in the first place, they have no meaning, no reason more than being the creation of a lunatic! –.

– How are we different? Do we have real reason to exist? –.

– Maybe our ancestors we're meaningless, but we've transcended our physical bodies and death. We even gave those “umans” a chance to unite but they refused, how can you defend a species that
refuses such gift as Unity? –.

– Humans… – said aggravated – What we call Unity they see as assimilation, maybe we did transcend our bodies but we still haven't transcended the physical world, our digital world still exists in the Data-bank that we call our capital, we exchanged ourselves for more “life” and the ability to habit the cold body of machines… Now it doesn't seem worth it –.

– Blasphemy! How do you talk about the gift off eternal life and peace like that – said, even more angry – the time in Unity is almost infinite compared to the biological lifetime you had, the Unity made you what you are!
The room was silent and the accused chuckled.

– You talk about immortality when we have a fleet off millions of ships outside the central data-bank, all because we couldn't decide not kill billions of them. It's been… what? 5 Big Bang cycles? We're pretty old, don't we? Anyways this “trial” is useless, in any moment a laser bomb could destroy our consciousness and all the backups have been destroyed by them, you're only doing this because you want to be distracted about the final truth… We are gonna die and we can't do anything about it–.

Everybody looked around panicking at the idea of death, all except the being on the little chair.

– It's all your fault… – He started to cry – The worst mistake that anybody has made in our species, all because your stupid ideals… –

Random people started to freeze, their respective files we're being destroyed by the human fleet, the room started to change color and material, everything was being corrupted.

– Yes, my worst mistake – He thought for himself – No.. This is my best accident.

Then he was deleted, like all his kin.
Hi, this my first try at this and my English is not the best, soo… Plz yes bully.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread