[WP] You are a jinx. Everywhere you go, accidents happen and people around you get hurt. One day, you meet the love of your life.

I was a walking Murphy's Law. Anything that could go wrong around me did. I saw car accidents on a daily basis. Most of the time they were minor ones with hardly any real injuries. But there were some days where Death followed me. He must have been trying to meet his quota on those days. I try not to leave the house often, but there are times I have to venture out into the world with people, much like I was right now. I never liked being the cause of people's pain and no one would ever suspect I was a walking curse.

People's pain. I took such careful measures to make sure I hurt everyone else as little as possible that no one knew my pain. I was alone. My parents were killed in a car accident on our way home from the hospital after I was born. My aunt and uncle took care of me until the moment they could throw me out of their house. It wasn't that they didn't care for me, they just couldn't risk any more hospital bills. Even my friends had long since abandoned me.

I suppose loneliness was my best friend. If I was alone in a room, I guess I had the best company in the world. Myself. No matter how much I hurt myself, I would never abandon myself.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I was crossing a street. I heard the deafening blare of a car horn and I looked up to see a large SUV barreling towards me at a high speed. I froze and braced myself for impact. It was just my luck after all.

"WATCH OUT!" A man's voice rang out and someone tackled me out of the way. The asphalt hurt as it tore open the skin on my shoulder as I slid across the pavement. As I sat up, I saw a man sitting a few feet away from me, breathing heavily. "Are you okay?"

I nodded as I stared at him. He was alive? "Are you okay?"

/r/WritingPrompts Thread