[WP] Myth Prompt

"What are these Sargon peered across the desolate landscape of rubble. Countless great stone monuments that seemed to touch the very fabric of heaven littered the ground and cast huge looming shadows for leagues. Small dust storms spewed foul gray ash all around.

Sargon clicked his mandibles in curiosity at a great and decripit structure nearby, as Rimush soon slowly crawled out from their burrow to join him.

"What are these wonders Rimush?" Sargon clacked inquisitivly.


"Of who?"

"The gods" Rimush croaked.

"They must have been big beings for such tombs no?"

Rimush snorted, "Not big enough it seems, I can barely recall, them but they were always hungry, eating, building, until they destroyed each other like ill-minded spawn-lings."

Sargon was somewhat slighted. "Don't speak so fowly of our gods Rimush, do you not rem-"

"Yes, Sargon, I do remember, you are young and need not remind me, as I know far more than you could possibly imagine of these "gods"." Rimush retorted sharply.

Sargon was taken aback.

Rimush sighed. "Forgive me Sargon I meant not to insult you, But sometimes I wonder why the Gods would have doomed us to such a bleak existence."

Rimush settled down next to sargon, and began to trace strange symbols and pictographs in the sand. "In the time before our Gods left the world Sargon, food was plentiful and we were cared for and given luxuries that were unimaginable to our lesser bretheren. They did after all, breath intelligence and life into us, allowing us to surpass the lesser beings of this ruined world."

Rimush paused. "And then in a great storm of fire they passed on into the next world"

Rimush shifted upright as Sargon could now see the irradiated-burns that covered Rimush's chitin.

They sat in silence for a while, their many black eyes now stared bleakly across the derelict wasteland.

Sargon piped up again; "...Why did our Gods leave us Rimush?"

"Not all of them left, some stayed here, and fought one another with great and terrifying beasts of hot fire and death, until there was nothing but the dust we gaze upon today. Some of our gods however, were wise, and took to the heavens in arks of shining stone."

"Heaven, arks?"

"I remember now, the arks, they were many and number and on the day that the gods decided that this world was doomed, they stood erect like great pillars that erupted into heaven."

"Now I am curious, Tell me about heaven Rimush." Sargon's many eyes now faced inquiringly into Rimush's

Rimush grunted in yearning, "Yes Sargon, paradise everlasting, where there are endless flowing streams of the sweetest water, and infinite mounds of meat and ambrosia. Our chitin will never be stained or chipped, and we can never die. It is a place where our kind will stay young forever, and know neither pain nor despair. My father's father and his father before him spoke of this place, that the world was once paradise, but our gods despoiled it in their own stupidity. Now paradise only lies beyond the sky and in heaven."

"...I would like to go there one day."

Rimush cackled, "As do I, young Sargon."

"No really, one day I promise we will all go visit heaven!"

"Of course Sargon.."

They sat once more now looking toward the waning amber sun, as the looming shadows of the ruined buildings grew longer. In the distance Rimush spotted a caraven of fellow cockroach hunters, dragging behind them the carcass of a slain rat and a crude travois.

"Ah, Here come's Enkidu and his company, today's rat hunt hopefully went well, I am faimished, aren't you?" Clicked Rimush.

"I want to stay out here and watch the sun go down." Sargon sighed

Rimush chuckled, "Don't be foolish boy, soon there will be far more savage and brutish beasts out and about once the moon comes out, and they'll waste no time in tearing us apart to gobble up our cockroach insides lad."

Sargon nodded and they both plodded back into the burrow to join the rest of their growing clan.

The worn out but legible sign Site 04, Military science and research facility hung above the bombed out ruins of the building, as Sargon and Rimush crawled inside.

After the feast that night, Sargon was restless, as his antenee moved ceaslessly during his vivid dreams of this so called "Paradise" that his gods had fled to.

One day, Sargon hoped to find this place for his people and deliver them from this pitiful existance.

SYNOPSIS(If you didnt get it): United States was experimenting on advancing the genes and traits of bugs which happened to include cockroachs in this case, but war broke out and the now heavily augmented and highly intelligent cockroaches have formed a society in this bombed out and ruined laboratory.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread