[WP] people living in insane asylums are actually sane. It's the general public, who have accepted modern society for face value that are actually 'delusional'

"Dr. Pinowski, Jason Andrews is ready to see you," said a plump nurse clad in white.

"Bring him in," replied the doctor.

The door to Dr. Pinowski's office opened. Being lead by the same nurse, a tall man at 6'3", weighing a little over 200lbs, and having a head covered in long red hair and a bushy red beard entered through the door.

"Jason," said Dr. Pinowski, "You've been here--."

"For three weeks. I know." said Jason. "I checked myself in not to seek ailment for my supposed mental conditions but to seek someone with some knowledge of my reality. Consensus reality is defined by an acceptance of cultural conditioning, societal obligations many agreed to but are unaware of their agreement. The nature of my being is to self-actualize. In the process of self-actualization, consensus reality is broken down, and the environment creates hostility. In the process of freeing one's Self from the illusion of culture, the environment, specifically those in it, can become hostile to change. Sometimes environment doesn't allow for change. Anyone that deviates from the norm of society and of their perceived Self is bound to be met with hostility, even deemed mad."

"You don't think you're mad?" asked Dr. Pinowksi.

"Carl Jung once said, 'Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.' You see, doctor, there is no such thing as too much insanity, as long as no one is harmed. I've been here long enough to realize this isn't a madhouse. The difference between a madman and a genius is this: The madman is deluded by reality. There is no ounce of incredulity in his bones. His conceptions of the world and of himself are primitive. He operates under Aristotelian logic and believes something either is or isn't without questioning the root of said beliefs. Genius, which I posit everyone is capable of, transcends reality. He has freed himself from what is considered normal. He operates under non-Aristotelian logic. Nothing either is or isn't to him, it only appears to be. Reality for him is mutable. Though the genius deviates from consensus reality, he is by no means deluded. The latter, the madman, is all around. I've seen it in your staff; I've seen it in the visitors; I've seen ounces of it in you. The madman composes consensus reality. But you, with your background in psychology, are at least able to understand the difference."

"This isn't a madhouse," continued Jason, "this is a place where people have freed themselves from cultural illusions. Inevitably, they were met with hostility from their environment. They deviated, they were told they were mad, and they believed what those in their environment said. That was their mistake."

"The problem here is this: You've given medication to these people, even subjected me to various kinds. Pharmaceuticals may ease the pain generated by an active mind, but they dull cognitive functioning. Your patients, most of which, I posit, have become attuned to their inner genius, possessed by the genie, have communed with God, or have met with the Cosmic Consciousness---whatever your flavor is. These are, of course, metaphors describing the same phenomenon. The point is: their mind has transcended consensus reality, and your facility has doped them all up, numbing their cognitive abilities needed to transcend what they are experiencing. Many people who find themselves in a state of what you would call insanity may have happened upon it accidentally, may lack certain frameworks to operate under, thus perpetuating even more confusion in navigating their experiences. This and the hostile environment can create problems, but these problems, doctor, are your fault. You're too quick, along with the rest of consensus reality, to diagnose and solve a problem. The only problem that exists is the one perpetuated by your colleagues' misunderstandings. These men are not mad, they are geniuses."

"Jason, if I were to agree with you, what would it matter?" said Dr. Pinowski.

"It wouldn't." replied Jason.

"The first week you were here, I diagnosed you with Major Depressive Disorder. The second week you were here, I diagnosed you with Bipolar Type II disorder. Now, I tell you, there's nothing wrong with you. You are, in fact, a genius. You're free to go in the morning." said Dr. Pinowski.

"That's all I needed to hear." said Jason.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread