[WP] You possess the ability to create new realities and travel between them. You can take things from those realities back into this one.

I looked down at my extensive list of things-I-most-definitely-needed-in-my-life and called over to the guy helping me out. "TARDIS?"


"The Elder Wand?"


"The Loch Ness Monster?"

"Double check!"

"Persian Bumble-Chip-Adillo Hound?

"Why did you need that?"

"Why did I need you?"


I hummed to myself, nodding with approval. I'd successfully created a real alternate reality in which The Doctor and all his adventures exist, did the same for Harry Potter, and then made a world crowded with Loch Ness Monsters and Persian Bumble-whatevers. I was thinking maybe I'd go ahead and recreate a real-world Percy Jackson & the Olympians next; maybe I'd bring some kind of secret film team and make a good Lightning Thief movie out of it.

"Stanley?" I called to my childhood imaginary friend made real. "How many cages did we need again?"

The sandy-blond teenager (he'd always looked just a year or two older than me for some reason) brought his fingers up as though to count, then shrugged. "I dunno, twelve?"

I looked at the organized pile of things set around this convenient field I'd brought us to. The Loch Ness Monsters banged their heads into the glass of their giant aquarium. "Do we have that super genius around here anywhere? Where'd Rochbet go off to?"

Stanley took a radio out of his pocket and yelled into it. "ROCHBUTT! The master needs you!" I couldn't help but snicker at Stanley's childish name-calling.

The TARDIS suddenly opened up, revealing a man who looked like a red-headed Albert Einstein. With a handlebar mustache. He tromped up to me and bowed. "YES, your high grace?"

I smiled, but promptly composed myself. "Can you be sure we have all the right containments for the animals?"

Rochbet nodded wordlessly and whirled around to march back into the TARDIS.

I looked back at my list. "Crown of Ptolemy?"


"High tech filming equipment and robot crew?"


"Optimus Prime?"

"Checkity check!"

"Amber the silver dragon?"

"Still not sure why you named her that, but check."

I grinned. "I was ten when I came up with her. At least her eyes are yellow. Do we have the Philosopher's Stone yet?"

Stanley looked over the mechanical do-dad keeping track of all this stuff. "Uh...no, actually."

I clapped my hands together, sending my list into temporary oblivion. "Alright then! Let's make the kind made of human souls, shall we?"

Stanley blanched. "Why?"

I chuckled evilly. "Because I am a ruthless god! C'mon, Stan, you're coming with me this time!" I waved him over and reached into space to unzip reality. Then we stepped through the hole and vanished into a world of alchemy.

The moment my reality door zipped shut, the TARDIS door opened again...along with the cages of all my monsters and hybrids and such. Rochbet was calling a meeting.

"Do we all know our parts in this?" he called once the creatures were assembled. He was greeted with many sounds of affirmation, few of which were in English. He nodded. "Alright. Once Stanley gets back with the Philosopher's Stone, we can use the TARDIS's newly formed core to trap the goddess inside. Amber, recap your involvement."

The telepathic dragon snorted. *I will breathe my changing green fire on them both."

"Good. This is important because you are the start of the chain reaction. Bubblebun, remember you're next."

The Persian Bumble-Chip-Adillo Hound saluted awkwardly. "I will keep her occupied!"

"Good girl."

As the treacherous group talked of their plan, a whining, whirring, groaning sound pierced the air, and out of the TARDIS stepped another man. Another...twelve men. Rochbet turned and smiled. "Ah, Doctor, you've made it!"

The British men all adjusted their respective clothing. "Wouldn't have missed it for the world," one said. Another nodded. "Indeed, seeing as the world depends on it." Yet another started forward with some kind of contraption attached to his back. "Let's get to work."


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