[WP] It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world, but you can only do so by getting kills.

"It wasn't always like this".

A bit of sigh and hesitance drapes over dungeonbuttskunk's face.

He continued. "Some call it a curse, the nobles and royals, its their Eden".

Little one stared as if watching a horror scene. Despite his inexperience he continued to listen.

"You see little one, something happened. Call it the work of higher powers or even black magic itself".

Little one replied, "how"


Dungeonbuttskunk continued as if respect and power were due him.

"On this planet, this world, this star, whatever you call it. Nothing die."

Little one again tried to interrupt.

"Ah-ah! You see, when someone dies, they dont feel pain. They just go to sleep. They reanimate as as spirit, if lucky, they can find the corpse. Again nothing dies on the planet, no decay. Corruption is another thing, we'll get to that when your more experienced".

Little one answered, "how is it i never knew?"

As if ashamed of his questions, littleone jerked aside as if it weren't asked.

Dungeonbuttskunk continued again, almost mumbling.

"There are those like yourself who stay near town for a reason. I call them little ones, others have a specific name but i cant remember it."

Little continued along side his mentor, quietly following not knowing who this wise one is or what he wants.

"You see little one, when a spirit does find his corpse, he can join again with his flesh but at a price".

Little ones's eyes began to grow large.

"Yes, they death that sent them on the journey, is the same pain and torment they would feel once they rejoin. Natures way of saying survival of the fittest, if you will."

Little one replied, "im not sure i can handle that".

His mentor with an encouraging smirk replied,

"Death is how we gain power. Some call it levels, others tolerance. You can increase your tolerance to pain and elements by leveling up."

Little one gained strength by the knowledge so graciously given. He couldnt be more thankful.

Dungeonbuttskunk shrugged afar, "there it is. You ready?"

Little one nodded.

He then reached down entered the lifeless flesh, with shrieks of pain and torment he stood to his feet.

Behind him came another shriek just as frightening as his own.

Startled he looked confused.

Dungeonbuttskunk licking his blade, smirking at the fallen little one utters.

"Thanks for the level, n00b".

/r/WritingPrompts Thread