[WP] Tell me why it's too late...

It's too late because you had your chance and you missed it.

Ok, scenario time. You meet a girl and you fall in love. She's intelligent, beautiful, funny, and "checks every box" on your life-partner list. You are being consumed with your love for this girl. What do you do?

Twist: you're currently with someone else - your girlfriend of three years. She's well enough, but you've started to chafe around the edges of your relationship and you have no intention of marrying her. She irritates you, but at this point she's part of your routine so you go through the motions.

Back to our dilemma: you love this new girl. What do you do? Well, the best thing would have been to, you know, break up with your current girlfriend because you've realized the relationship is dead. Then confess your feelings for the new heart-throb. Then (hopefully) date and be ridiculously happy.

WHOOPS. Looks like you decided to skip step #1: break off the current relationship. Instead, you've jumped over that difficult step and moved on to the more gratifying step #2: confess your love to the new girl.

SURPRISE!! The new girl has a sense of integrity and doesn't welcome your advances because they mean you're a CHEATING SHIT. The rejects you. Even though the she loves you. That's right. She loves you. And if you'd gone about this in the right way, the empathetic way, the way that RESPECTS YOUR CURRENT PARTNER, you'd be over the moon right now because I'd have booked a flight and been in your arms in as short a time as it takes to fly coast to coast. (spoiler, the new girl is me.)

But you didn't take that route. You decided to hold onto one person until you were sure you could have the other. Like it was a matter of convenience. Like if I'd said no, you'd have stayed with your girl and settled for her and no one deserves to be on the receiving end of that, you hear?!

How the fuck do you expect me to consider you as a partner while in the same breath as your love confession you dishonor your promises to another?

It's not rocket surgery. (to borrow your phrase)

and now, it's too late.

You've shown your character now.

yes I love you.


keep your distance.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread