[WP] You wake up one morning as a female.

My eyes are closed and filled with shit and I feel like shit. I've crunched the numbers and eyes closed seems like a better option right now than eyes open.

"Up! Last time," my mum bellows from outside the door.

I guess she hasn't been informed that the numbers indicate that eyes closed are better than eyes open. "She's only doing her job," I remind myself.

"Mum! School phoned and they said there's this volcano that just sprung up and, well, don't worry about the details but it's this whole situation and essentially everyone's off school today."

"One of your better ones, honey, but it's a Friday and I'm feeling mean so...up!"

"Ok, you win."

I sit up to the familiar clicks and creaks. Closed curtains on a dark winter's morning and rather than hibernate like mammals are supposed to, I'm up and getting ready to go to school. One foot, another foot, a bend, a heave, and I'm vertical. I always preferred the x-axis in life.

I shuffle over to my bathroom and turn the shower on to warm up. So tired, I'm thinking of pretending to be sick but it's a Friday and the effort feels like it's not worth the reward at this point. T shirt off. Pants off. I have no penis. Confusion. I haven't got a penis...my penis is gone. I've got boobs and I don't have a penis at the moment. It's gone.

Adrenaline floods my heart. I'm panicking and can't breathe. I'm not exhaling. I can't exhale. Everything's going whiter. I step back and trip over the bath and I'm lying on my back half in the bathtub with a shower in my face. I'm breathing now though. But I still don't have a penis...my penis.

Definitely awake, definitely have breasts and a vagina. Definitely not dreaming, definitely don't have my penis. I breathe for 5 minutes and I'm feeling less panicked and more confused. I get back to my feet and look in the mirror. Same face, no penis, boobs, vagina. No penis, boobs, vagina. Boobs, vagina. I have boobs and I have a vagina.

Am I a girl? I think I'm a girl. I don't look like a boy and I look like a girl and I think I'm a girl. School is out of the question. Mum is out of the question. Have I always been a girl? No, definitely not, I remember having and using a penis...but now I have a vagina. A vagina! A fucking vagina! I subdue my panic this time though, I'm logical and I can handle this.

But. Ten more minutes of looking in the mirror then back down at my new body and slowly, confusion becomes curiosity. I always used to joke with friends about this hypothetical but now it's happening. I'm looking down at a body that I'm attracted to.

"Mum, I'm not going to school today, I can;t stop throwing up!"

"Do you need to see a docto-"

"-no! I'm fine! Well I'm not...but, I don't need the doctor, I can handle this, for now."

I keep looking at myself for another 10 minutes. Another 10 minutes, a sigh, and then 5 more minutes.

I'm 18 years old, I've now got a girl's body with girls'...organs of...various...purposes?

Confusion turns to curiosity, curiosity turns to action.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread