[WP] In a world of wands and wizardry, you are a legendary assassin, killing your targets without them even realizing it. Your secret? Guns, a whole armory of them.

 He almost forgot to pay for his newspaper. Headlining was my face once again, and also the face of one of his business partners. Those holes, there's no sorcerer in the world that could do that.
 That's because it wasn't magic, it was something not even his entire offshore alchemy account can buy. Pathetic little man, with his short and crooked microwand, let's see him stop an automatic rifle.
 "Read the paper Johnny? He's killing all these big names. Why'd you think he's doing it"
 What the fuck do you think why he's doing it.
 "Maybe because of all the shit everyone knows they have tucked away in Swetzland." I stared into his eyes.
 Was it an earthquake? I tried to hold on to my coffee mugs as they started to tumble. The roar actually came from his guffaw. The joke was so funny he wanted the entire table to hear.
 "HAHAUHOHE then they should kill me then, I have the biggest account in Swetzland. Jesus Jimmy hehehe, everyone does this shit. Grand wizards, wand brokers like me, it's how it is."
 That display made him parched. He quaffed the foamed Goggrum in front of him. Disgusting fat wasteman with the foam around his mouth. Maybe it'll foam like that tonight when I put that barrel in his mouth, make him suck on it but he's used to sucking.
 "Ahhh. see ya tonight Jimmy at the solar". He grabbed his jacket and left.
 Good thing I got the word to do it. I dont think I could've dealt with that star-hatted    grand master asshole any longer.
/r/WritingPrompts Thread