[WP] You're murdered in cold blood and Death comes to take you. Problem is, it can't. Now Death is absolutely terrified of you, maybe it thinks you want its job, but you're just some guy, right?

By the end of the text I realised that I am the one who's supposed to have been murdered in cold blood. Nice blunder. Still decided to submit it tho, maybe somebody will still like it.

My hands slide off Dave's throat, wrists still pulsing from the adrenaline rush. I was panting like a wild dog. "Fucking prick," I say while gasping for breath. I lift his dead body and throw it out the window. "You just had to change your Netflix subscription, huh?" I stomp towards the wardrobe and change into something more comfortable. An hour later, there I am, sitting by my laptop and browsing /r/writingprompts. I'm skimming through whatever people came up with, when suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I tilt my head back - I was just reading the best story ever - and sigh out loud. "Who the fuck is it?" I yell. "Mhtul G'zish" a stream of hundreds of voices of lost souls reply. Pissed as I am I storm off to open the door and what do I see? Some weird ass motherfucker in a black cloak. "What'd ya want?" I snap at him. "Followeth me," Mhthuwhatever replies under his breath. "Whatever, dude." I go back inside and this guy, this guy just follows me. "Yo, dude" I start him off. I take a deep breath and remember how I had promised my mum to try and control my anger issues and not lash out at strangers and shit. I force a smile up my cheeks and politely ask: "Would you like something, guest?" "Thy soul, mortal," he says with the voice a hundred demons. I turn around and just stare. Just stare at this maximum overflow of autism. And what does this guy do? He just stands there like owns the fucking place. His bony long arms are covered in dark cloth, accentuating how this fucker does definitely not lift. He holds a scythe in his hands and just stares around the room I guess. Black steam rises from the bottom of his black robe, etching away at my pet rabbit's cage. Just, you know, melting the bars and letting that little manic shitter run around, like whatever. And what does Mr.Rabbit do first, of course? Fuck up my mac's charger. That shit is expensive as fuck, let me tell you that. I grab that bloody sonova by its ears and twist its neck. "Good job," I say to that cloaked asshat. "You just killed Mr.Rabbit." "Dude," the cloaked guy says in shock. "You got issues. I definitely did not kill Mr.Rabbit" "How dare you call him by his name right after you killed him?" I snap at that fucker. "You didn't even know him!" Suddenly, the voices start talking to one another as this weird guy scratches his head. "I think I got the door wrong," he says and makes his way for the exit. I lunge ahead of him and shut the door in front of him. "Yo." I look at him, he's already visibly anxious. "You're dead." He just stands there, nervously shifting his weight from one leg to another like a little brat who got caught stealing from the cookie jar. "You killed Mr.Rabbit," I remind him again. "C'mon steve, let'sget the fuck outta here," a voice in him says to another. "I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't avenge him now. Would I?" "Thou hast just killed two innocents, mortal, why-" "Don't talk to me like a retard." "Okay, sorry, but, why do you, like, kill people all the time?" "I might just like it, mate. What, you got a problem with that?" He levitates around my room and talks to himself. I don't mind, I go the kitchen and browse through my collection of kitchen knives. "All right," he finally says, concluding his thoughts. "You can have it." I'm casually walking back to him with a nice sharp knife in my hand. "Seriously, just, have it if that is what your soul is longing for." I just start stabbing - he just flies around trying to dodge me. "Is it not what you yearn for?" "I have no idea what you're talking about," I say as I slice through the air while trying to cut a motherfucker up. "I just want to get it over with you already." "You do not want to be death?" he asks in surprise. "What? No?! Oh you thought that I...?" "Yeah, aha, I I stop. He stops. We look at each other and laugh.

I still killed him though.

In case I messed up some grammar, forgive me for I am not a native speaker

/r/WritingPrompts Thread