Yale University Group Seeks to Allow Women into All-Male Fraternities

Most fraternities already accept membership from women in the form of "Sweethearts". But the post-college benefits of that role are murky and everyone presumes its a position that involves regularly blowing the entire frat. And while that maybe true in many instances, there is still a cautionary tale to be told on the raising hell to destroy ever men-only space you can find. Because women only spaces are next in the crosshairs (though this Yale campaign specifically excludes the same forced integration of sororities, funny that) and you can kiss goodbye your women's business networking events (which are already illegal in California) and women's only retreats and parenting support groups.

Women recently lost MichFest to the drumbeats of transgenderism and forced integration. A space that had incredible cultural and artistic value that will not ever re-appear because they did not want Caitlyn Jenner style makeup n' implants Transwomen to breakup the harmony found within unity and lived experiences. But its easy to call all frats evil so lets not care about what happens to them and pretend this group will be sated with a single victory then disband itself.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Link - insider.foxnews.com