Your mother didn’t “lie” to you. Women didn’t lie to you. They genuinely thought they were telling you the truth….and that most girls were not they them

I'm short (5'7''), dark skinned, low to medium dense hair (doesn't style very well) and average build (not fat, play Tennis regularly, arms and shoulders are well built but no abs or anything) which translates to 'below average' rating in the modern world anywhere.

Dating within my ethnicity is kinda straightforward for me, I do have my pick of matches although that's because I earn 300k annually.

Most of my matches also tend to be below average in the looks department, except for a handful of women who were beautiful and really interested in me but I couldn't commit at that time. Even the other matches where the woman is below average (like me) in looks that I do get also tend to require faster commitment/marriage. I go on very few dates and I'm honestly not complaining. I reap the benefits for what I am.

My personal observation is that:

  • grooming yourself, dressing nicely, maintaining a decent physique and earning decently ensures that you have women interested in you.

  • managing expectations regarding looks helps, if you aren't hot, I don't think it's easy at all to land a hot partner. In my case I make 300k but that's just not enough to compensate for my average looks, I'm hypothesising that it's probably around 700-800k income you can get your pick.

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