You'll always be a piece of shit, Mark

Shortly after my oldest was diagnosed with autism, I tried to get myself a job. We'd been in a smaller center where I'd ran my own business, but they didn't have services for my oldest. So we'd had to move. I was home for a couple months, taking care of the home front. Mark worked. But when I got my own job and it began taking away from our home life, he started hijacking shit. Leaving bigger messes, he stopped helping out around the house entirely. Didn't want to help with my son. He prodded me to quit.

Before I left, my boss pulled me aside and told me that everyone in management was retiring in the next five years. He said I had the potential to run the entire operation. This was literally an entire portfolio of a govt branch.

I was heartbroken when I left that job. I resented cleaning Mark's shitstained ginch.

I had officially become a housewife.

/r/offmychest Thread