Young voters MIA as Dem base flocks to vote early

Voters vote because promises made. Not bashing Senator Sanders but had he been the candidate and won in the same way, there would be more disappointed voters. It might be the messaging or not understanding that the down ballot plays a bigger role in those goals. The left doesn’t even like some of the party they need to win mid terms. The last couple elections have been decided not by the popular vote but the electoral college.

Defund the police was not about not having police. It’s just the only way they can union bust, the Democrats aren’t supposed to Union bust but that’s really what’s happening. Upon reforming they likely re-unionize. Budgets get allocated differently. That’s not easy to explain but voters remember the simple part of it, defund the police, then see Biden increase police funding. The story just needed to be simplified. We want to fund police so when they encounter situations that have a citizen in mental distress they have the resources. When they get a report they can bring a mental health officer with them to evaluate the situation from a different perspective. It could save lives.

He did not need to promise $2000 if he was sending $1400 if Trump sent it. He just needed to ensure more help would come. Realistically the whole Covid situation was strange. The people yelling F Joe Biden are the same people demanding entry to events, stores, schools and more, all of which they have. They wanted less socialism because people did not want to work and guess what Brandon has done all of that. He has reduced the fiscal budget by record levels by ending pandemic related socialism. Somehow the Ds are celebrating this and the Rs are mad they got what they wanted. Wild.

The two things motivate youth voters. Decriminalize cannabis and it was implied by both VP Harris and President Biden this was a goal. Voter heard “cannabis won’t be illegal”. He doesn’t have the power to do it. Should have kept it more general and he has done more on this issue than even Obama. Also, as a Senator he paved the way for some of those pardons be granted. Last he said he’d cancel student debt. His own party is split on this promise and it probably wasn’t critical for all of the youth voters and again he has done a decent job actually canceling some debts. He also unpaused the payments and interest. Had he put forth amendments to reschedule cannabis and paused interest on Student loans it’s likely these post aren’t made and his party rushes across the finish line on Election Day. You are right it’s messaging and unnecessary in many ways.

Democrats spend time arguing with each other and then frantically try to unite at the time of need, not just on Reddit but mainstream media all the way to Congress . Republicans seem to be mad at a very small segment of the party and supported Trump in astonishing ways even without the things they wanted.

Source for the student loan part :

"I propose to forgive all undergraduate tuition-related federal student debt from two- and four-year public colleges and universities for debt-holders earning up to $125,000, with appropriate phase-outs to avoid a cliff," Biden wrote.

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