Young Woman Confronts Congressman About Rape As A "Pre-Existing Condition"

UPDATE: This fact check has been updated with a response from Rep. Chu, who issued a statement on May 10, 2017, which reads in full:

"As it stands today, anybody with a preexisting condition is protected thanks to the Affordable Care Act. This includes women, who were previously charged more for a range of care that is, today, considered ‘essential’.

The AHCA makes it easier for insurers to earn waivers to charge more for preexisting conditions and leaves the question of what should be covered up to others. In my statement, I said that this bill ‘would once again allow a rape or domestic violence victim to be a pre-existing condition.’

While the many fact checks have pointed out that a number of conditions would have to be met first, like state waivers, the fact is that what is currently prohibited has once again become possible thanks to the AHCA.

We should not even be discussing how women can be charged more for their care, even if it requires 2, 3, or 4 extra steps.

This bill represents a step backwards for Americans’ health in a number of ways."

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