Younger Redditors, what would you like to ask 35+ year old Redditors?

No. I can't speak for everyone, but I like teenagers, personally. I can't wait for my daughter to hit 13 so I can finally start taking her to real concerts and real fun stuff. In your late teens you are at the height of childhood, you know everything about the world from the point of view of a child, by 14 you're mostly already there. You're probably mulling over super deep concepts about space and time and god and art and music. You are exploring adult concepts with the freedom of operating on a childs playing field so it's a real amazing and insightful time to watch someone grow through.

Write EVERYTHING down and don't lose it. Once you hit 23 and forget all your genius you will be glad you wrote it down, because there comes a point when your playing field changes and suddenly you go from knowing everything about the world on a childs playing field to knowing nothing about the world on an adult playing field and you will wonder where all your genius went. Write that shit down. It will remind you of who you are when you are older.

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