Your top 3 mastered champions are now combined to make a super champion. How broken are you?

Lee Sin, Vi, Shaco


Passive: Upon using an ability, Leevishaco gains 40% attack speed and restores 20 energy on the first basic attack and 10 energy on the second. Upon hitting an enemy with an ability, gain a shield for 10% of your maximum health (18-8 second cd, scaling with level). Deal 20% bonus damage when attacking an enemy from behind.

Q is a fast skillshot projectile with good range. Travels through minions while damaging them and pulling them towards the projectile, stops upon hitting a champion. For 4 seconds after first Q, Leevishaco gains invisibility. Second Q damages all enemy units between Leevishaco and his target, knocks back all nearby enemies upon connecting with the target and has %missing health damage. Leevishaco's next basic attack after a second q gains 100% critical strike chance.

W Passive: every third basic attack does % max health damage, shreds armor, and grants Leevishaco a substantial attack speed buff

Active: Leevishaco jumps to allied unit, granting both Leevishaco and the allied unit a shield for 2 seconds. If there is no allied unit to jump to, Leevishaco places a jack-in-the-box and jumps to it. Jack-in-the-boxes become invisible after 2 seconds and fear enemies who come in contact with it, repeatedly attacking them for magic damage. Second W temporarily grants lifesteal and spellvamp.

E: Leevishaco slams the ground, dealing magical damage and granting true sight of all enemies in an area the range of Shaco's E. Second E keypress slows all enemies hit by the first E. Both E keypresses cause Leevishaco's next attack to gain bonus physical damage, and to hit all enemies in a cone behind the target, max 2 charges. Leevishaco's E resets the autoattack timer. Basic attacks cause monsters to miss a percentage of their attacks.

R First cast: Leevishaco creates a decoy of itself which will attack enemies, can be controlled, and explodes dealing magical damage upon death or expiration.

Leevishaco's second R cast does a large amount of physical damage to a target enemy champion and knocks them back, while dealing the same physical damage plus a portion of the primary target's bonus HP as bonus damage to enemies hit by the primary target, while knocking them up for 1 second.

Leevishaco's third R cast rushes at a target champion from range, picking them up and slamming them on the ground for heavy physical damage. While rushing, Leevishaco is immune to all CC and knocks back all enemies in between it and its target.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread