Zelensky urges ‘special tribunal’ for Moscow amid deadly Russian strikes on central Ukraine

People are more than willing to pay a little more for bread and butter if it means that a literal war doesn't reach their home turf.

You do realize there is more then just those people that this war is affecting right?

Every country on earth is basically in recession mode right now, and the relevant countries being threatened by Russian invasion are the least of the US and europes concerns right now. Keeping their citizens from actually just storming the castle because they can't heat their homes, and feed their Children is the main priority.

Thats what i said. A few months ago, people were more then happy to pay a little more at the pump, or to turn down their heat to stick it to Putin. But its been almost half a year of this shit. Prices are still going up, Multiple countries are facing either economic collapse, or Government takeover because they have to Ration for the winter.

Idk what rock you are living under. The problems countries like Georgia, and Germany faces are like night and day, but the EU is way more concerned with the problems germany faces, rather then some non economic power player like Georgia.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - france24.com