Zuckerberg's Internet.org project bribes corrupt, non-neutral carriers in poor countries to exempt Facebook and other services of its choosing from their data-caps, giving the world's poorest an Internet that's been radically pruned to a sliver of what the rest of the world gets for free

Me too! I can think pragmatically as well but I cannot abandon idealism or the bigger picture because doing so would be akin to falling into the brainwashed masses. The problem is that all things begin with uncorrupted idealism but the systems (order) get hardened and corrupted over time. Hence the current perspective and practice of pragmatism is a hardening that society has been imposing for the sake of order. In other words, societal pragmatism is not true pragmatism backed by the value of universal idealism.

Society functions a lot like the matrix, in the sense that as generations pass, it's primary motive takes an easier function: control and root out all forms of deviancy. It no longer operates on the universal idealism it began with despite marketing itself to hold public favor. The matrix compromises on value or quality in favor of quantity and hierarchy. The matrix will even root out healthier forms of deviancy like questioning and learning since that attempts to revert back to the original idealism (which is why this facebook internet thing is imperative since fb seeks to impose a hardened layer of control on the internet at the expense of free knowledge and healthy intellectual deviancy that the real internet provides). Essentially facebook replaces the the deeper internet with superficial social media and mainstream information because deep knowledge is basically power and self empowerment, but it is also a threat to the hardened matrix so it seeks to further suppress and subvert knowledge in favor of pragmatic order. There is no group to better impose this on as the uneducated rising billions in the developing world.

Economics is also another layer of societal control. There was better value in trade and products consumed, but at this point we see that the hardened layers of control upon the edifice have been corrupted and thus failing under the stagnation of value (hence the banking crisis etc.).

Newer forms of economics (bitcoin etc.) are on the horizon and the global power structure is shifting towards the east (China and india) but the current continuing system still needs to maintain control and limit knowledge... which is again why facebook is limiting the internet within india and other developing parts of the world. The internet being already controlled in China so no worries there. No doubt this is a move crafted under societal think tanks and Facebook is just carrying out those plans. It is acting with ulterior motives to impose a limited internet in the developing world thus limiting intellectual development thru imposing cost on individual content viewed. Remember thay economics is another layer of control and free knowledge is a threat to the hardened matrix.

Since this century will be defined by the precedent established today in developing countries, the matrix under the guise of the tech oligoplies and false philanthropy, seek dominance within developing markets In other words pragmatism is being established there to define the hardened rules of engagement and limit deviancy for generations to come.

I hope my wording was ok...I tried to connect everything back to the original article in world news and possibly what we need to fight in order to free ourselves.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - boingboing.net