Zyori just ruined my game. TIL not all Dota 2 personalities are good at dota and can be quite cancerous.

Hover to view match ID: 2876404608 DB/OD

Radiant wins 48-12 @ 31:28

Lvl Hero Player K/D/A LH/D XPM GPM HD HH TD
22 anon 13/0/19 174/0 683 635 27887 3798 3240
19 DB/OD MaxiuM 6/2/13 177/10 494 559 10276 0 3712
23 DB/OD 二连一拳头送你上西天 17/3/17 157/4 779 674 28971 0 4872
18 DB/OD Just a Boy 5/6/16 33/0 444 418 10118 0 1090
22 DB/OD vienci 6/2/23 82/1 675 466 12771 0 1377
104 84 ↑Radiant↑ ↓Dire↓ 47/13/88 11/48/20 623/15 496/24 3075 1983 2752 1587 90023 55373 3798 1500 14291 1245
17 DB/OD Loke 1/9/4 72/1 414 281 9176 0 663
15 DB/OD Lee Hyori 2/13/3 127/5 313 297 6473 0 389
17 anon 2/11/4 106/13 399 323 10683 0 0
18 anon 4/7/4 101/3 460 336 16632 1500 193
17 DB/OD Rozzy18 2/8/5 90/2 397 350 12409 0 0

source on github, message the owner, deletion link

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