255 words Now I am the object of harassment 242 words Now I am the object of harassment 289 words I've Come Back 281 words How are you? 202 words Just a friendly reminder: They will cry, mourn and threaten wanting to die until you come back and then when you do they will instantly treat you poorly again 513 words Anyone been painted black and then heard from them down the line? 230 words BPD fling, whats going on? 189 words How do you find their social life looks like? 205 words Clarify projection 203 words So you are miserable with your situation... 225 words My pwBPD made eggs this morning for my Christmas gift. I got the plate nearly thrown at me as she yelled "Scumbag, I hate you". Hope you are all having a Merry Christmas too. 181 words Roommate situation...can't NC 226 words Tired of the way Borderlines are talked about as these kind-heated empaths who don't mean to be manipulative and evil. 321 words i miss my older self...she just shattered my ego 256 words Hate my ex wBPD. Must suppress urge to get back at them. After discovering the foundation of the relationship was itself a lie along with all the other lies... it really feels like a gut punch. 229 words It's so nice to be allowed to have emotions again... 194 words Sorry for posting again, just need support. How did you guys move on and find peace without closure? 339 words looking for advice from others who got away- RE: finding passion 324 words I dont know that i can continue my relationship. 387 words Sometimes I am the trigger and it sucks, especially when I HAVE wronged her!