135 words The thought of never seeing him again or speaking to him again makes this feel so unbearable 132 words 30 things I learned from my last relationship 184 words Most hurtful things said after a breakup? 127 words How to get your ex back 168 words Anyone else trying to keep their ex in their life so they can see how much better you’re doing without them? 175 words if you’re an avoidant I hate you 546 words why does it seem like people are only “over” their breakup once they find someone knew? 205 words not sure how to keep going 131 words Do boys regret leaving their girlfriends? 165 words She’s gone 271 words “Dumpers” are human too and can be hurting just as much 158 words my life has become dark as fuck, it's been 3 weeks, I'm suicidal and everything seems real shitty. 291 words What I learned from this breakup as a dumper. 181 words What is the one cruel thing your ex said to you that will stick with you forever? 158 words When they already planned to break with you months ago but still sticks around with you. It hurts when you thought they still have feelings towards you but they’re just waiting for an opportunity to break up with you. Why do they have to play with your feelings? 423 words They WILL regret ending it IF 936 words How toxic was I? (help) 150 words Has anyone’s ex slandered them on social media after a break up? 450 words Have a question about abusive relationships? 157 words If they didn’t value or appreciate your presence, then they will miss you when your absent.