122 words Any decent recipe for store-bought cereals? 150 words Most Pretentious food names you've heard 167 words Home cooks of Reddit, DONT blend hot liquids! I learnt the hard way 135 words Making brownies for my mum's birthday. Recipe recommendations please! 151 words Anyone else take twice as long to cook something than the recipe says? 171 words Appetites: a cook book by Anthony Bourdain recipes 209 words What bad cooking habits get on your nerves? For me it’s when people use the highest flame setting to cook EVERYTHING. It is wasteful, overcooks food, overboils everything and it really does ruin pans. 149 words I was just wondering What is your most memorable Meal and why? 384 words My SO has never ever had French toast. I plan to take away his French toast virginity. Give me your best French toast recipe 334 words Dollar-store substitute for dashi? 205 words What are you all doing to bulk up food, reduce waste, and stretch your grocery budget amidst the quarantine? 165 words For the love of God and the greater good, please learn how to cook. There's plenty of food out there, look past the pasta aisle and the fruits of your labor will reward you. We're not that dead yet. 473 words What's the dumbest and most expensive mistake you've made while cooking? 338 words What the point of Beef Wellington? 213 words I want to start a cooking club in my school. 144 words I cannot seem to get all the rust off of my cast iron pan. Any tips? 265 words What are some foods that you thought you disliked, but it turned out that you just never ate a well made version of it before? 139 words Thomas Keller explains that olive oil has a low smoke point so he uses it as an end flavor. But Gordon Ramsay uses it to cook everything regardless of high the range is? 206 words Why are the "chili never should have beans in it" people so insufferable? 125 words Preparing tomatoes for chili and other chili tips