I have 0 friends or close family

Find an organization near you that helps people in need and serve. Church, soup kitchen, food bank, charity thrift etc. Volunteer and serve, part time, maybe a few partial days a week to start. Help seniors or shut ins that can't get out to run errands or shop during the pandemic or offer to do some other chores. Do some litter walks, clean up an area on your own. Get out there and help people, and don't expect anything in return. Trust me, you will get more out of these efforts than you can imagine. Consider it a fresh start, which is always exciting because you can reinvent yourself. Socially awkward with a history of blurting out unfiltered retorts that usually go over like a bad sitcom that you've based your communication skills on? Become a strong silent type. I'm guessing you're still pretty young and maybe feeling the residual effects of what we used to call the awkward teenage years. Forget your past history with people, that's done. Push yourself hard to get out there. Give it a shot. It beats sitting around doing nothing.

/r/socialskills Thread