100 days clean - Feel like I want to go again....

Well, im not looking at "the end" in this situation as ill end up exactly like last time, as i said i did benefit a ton from it originally. i understand the possibility for addiction is there, and yes i did not control my moderation as well as i would have liked, but something to keep in mind, especially being an addict yourself with no actual experience with kratom, is that its not like other hard drugs in the regard of it ruining lives like people make it out to be on this sub. I have also been addicted to harder substances, and in no fucking way can kratom be compared to most illicit substances... yeah the insomnia wasnt fun, and the restless leg was shitty, but come on. . . does that sound comparable to coming off of anything hard? no. . .

I think making a little more of an effort in moderating intake can go a long way. . . . and lesser of 2 evils? yeah, ill ride with kratom compared to the other shit i have been addicted to that had almost killed me on multiple occasions. 100 days without kratom is no huge feat. . . its hardly a drug.

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