17 years old possibly going bald and depressed.

Just wanted to comment bcuz I think share a similarity. I'm 17 as well and I'm balding BAD. I had a beard early too, like 6th grade early and it was anything but a good look in a kid. If it gives you comfort I can honestly tell you that ur problem isn't quite noticible and that you shouldn't worry yet. But that's not like me...

I'm at a point where I can individually count the hairs in the front of my scalp and being in heavy light reveals everything. I've had people point out my balding, and I'm only in high school. I've had combovers I would prepare every morning in the bathrooms []()...

Essentially I was fucked...and still am... But I've gone so deep into that pit of depression where I just don't give a fuck about anything anymore. In addition to my wonderful genes, I have glasses and I'm wearing braces. Most people think of me as some ugly fat fucking nerd who's balding and you know what, they are right. I am the epitome of ugly and I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't bother to read all of this, bcuz I'm sure nobody gives a shit about this type of degenerate human being. You guys have no idea

You might think I'm just a teen diva who's acting like a complete pussy and I understand that. But trust me, my hair is THIN my hairline is awful, and my hair gets oily, stinky, and fuckin repulsive even a day after showering. Excuse my honesty, but I am frankly pissed off with all these teens posting pictures of their scalp WHEN THEY HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT

Anyways I guess you can tell just how desperate and depressed I am spending all this type writing a post that I'm pretty sure nobody is gonna read. My life is fucking torture...

/r/tressless Thread