[18/M] Need advice on a girl I like.

I don't think what you are feeling is love. It is just the strongest you have ever felt the feeling you feel, and we generally assume that is the limit and that it must be love (or hate or whatever).

That's precisely one of the things I talked about in my post, although I didn't go too deep into it, I think I'm just blinded by the fact that she's good looking and how she was always nice to me despite how I acted, so it's but an illusion because I've never felt like this, ever. I still didn't post some other details on why I like her so much (in fact I didn't write anything about her other than she's good looking and nice), but this is still a possibility, which I like to tell myself, to not feel so bad. I did have a smaller crush when I was like 11, but that was obviously nothing in comparison.

Don't feelings dump. Don't, man! It is awkward for everyone.

I actually think one of the biggest mistakes I've made recently is talking a bit too much about myself and not asking her about how she is doing. We do talk online every now and then, so I'll try to talk more to her and generally be nicer, and not go too overboard.

I even felt awkward just making this whole thing, but I really needed a way to vent, since I coudln't stand just keeping all this to myself, and decided to ignore any possible cringeworthy thing I may have said.

Then invite her some place for coffee or something.

She actually seems to really like coffee, so that's what I had in mind, but like one of my concerns is that she mind consider it creepy that I invite her somewhere all of a sudden or just plain know my "intentions".

Do not fear the rejection.

I really don't, at this point I'd feel more relieved to just tell her, whatever her answer might be, and if it is negative, the worst that will happen is future interactions will be a bit awkward, I'll feel sad of course, but hopefully get over it eventually.

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