18 years old and feel like I'm doomed to live a miserable life.

I like this answer and hope OP reads it fully and takes it seriously.

I am in a similar situation as OP, or have been. I am 18 and going into computer science, need to read up on programming (though I'll be skipping the intro course due to AP credit but that's beside the point), was morbidly obese a few years ago, homeschooled (so my social skills, hygiene, motivation, and dating was nil) for 2 years after basically quitting school (until going back to graduate near the top of my class)... my mom is disabled my dad's self-employed, it is rough.

I like video games, reading, etc.

Losing the weight and becoming happy with your image is essential.

I still haven't gotten there. I went from 280 to 160lbs in a year. I wanted to get toned but never did, now I'm back to 190. It's a tough process, especially if you love food. But it is worth it. I have a great girlfriend I'm going to live with next year (an admittedly perhaps silly thing to do) but I would have never met her if it weren't for someone telling me straight, look: you need to be well-groomed, healthy, happy, and in tune with social interactions.

The happiness is the hardest part, but it comes naturally with the rest.

Don't get me wrong I'm still depressed, it just seems to be my natuire. But I have corrected so many things, improved my life, grown. Social skills are as important as fashion and music. Read MFA and develop a sense of style but don't use it to make purchases yet. Strive to be fit enough for nice, maybe even more expensive clothes. It feels weird fitting into and wearing nice clothes. But it is wonderful to see the transition.

Music. Music is important. I'm sure you already listen to music but try to analyze what you're listening to. Maybe this is partly responsible for your state of mind. Don't stop listening to the music you love but start listening to music about love. About sex. It makes you think and desire, and I feel like it alters your way of thinking. At least it did mine. I was suggested by an online pharmicist(long story but he was responsible for making me change my life. No drugs necessary!) to listen to Lovage and Portishead. Just listen to the entire Lovage album and Portishead's first album. Strive for that, to be that guy who ROCKS. You can. You should study how to be good at sex too, and maybe stop watching porn. I did those about 3 years ago and my girlfriend seems to like it, not that she knows.

I'm not mentioning my girlfriend or graduating with high marks, or being happy, or losing weight to brag or make you feel bad, OP. I want it to motivate you. I was told about these things, told to go get what I wanted and seek my happiness. I did what I listed above and basically completely transformed my life. I'd wait on the powerlifting. Lose the fat first. Look into keto.

Message me if you wanna chat dude, I'd love to help you out and see you grow..... no homo.

Haha cheers.

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