i (19m) need help getting over the girl of my dreams (19f)

I've got a little experience here. I was crazy in love with my best friend all through high school. I never did anything about even though I suspected she felt the same. You'll just have to understand it's not going to happen. In my case we both married other people. You'll eventually have to decide if you can remain friends. I'd say if you still have feelings for her and she doesn't reciprocate it's best to cut ties and move on. You'll never be happy with anyone else if she stays in your life. If you ever want to have a real relationship you're going to have to cut ties all together. It sucks, but that's the case. If you love her and she doesn't love you you've got to walk away. Really walk away.

A few months ago I saw this girl again (I’m 39 so it’s been 20 years) she’s recently divorced and so am I. We ended up sleeping together. It might have been the best night of my life, but she’s not interested in a relationship. It was just about sex for her. It’s been difficult to get over. I feel like I’ve lost her again. I know how pathetic that sounds. I’m telling you that this is something that can hurt you for a long time. You’ll be much better off cutting all ties and finding someone who feels about you the way you feel about them. As long as she’s in your life she’ll effect every relationship you’re in. Take a real shot, tell her how you feel. If she doesn’t reciprocate walk away for good.

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