I [24M] consider myself undateable, don't know if it's just me or a reality.

I'm going to give you exactly what you want here OP and I'm going to get down voted for it.

You're pathetic. Like, reading your responses is filling me with such disgust for you I can't even believe it. You're a whiny child who doesn't want to take responsibility for themselves and make changes to benefit anything, you just want to feel bad about not having a girlfriend. Sadly for you, nobody here is joining you in the wahmbulance, so you decided to just dig yourself deeper in to your sad hole and completely ignore everyone saying the same thing again and again. It's frustrating to read how terrible your life is and how weird you are and hiw ugly you are and how depressed you are and how completely uninterested you are in making any change to your problems.

So you're going to move out. Now you're just a loser with a house.

Go to therapy. You have depression, paranoia, self esteem issues, self worth issues, narcissistic tendencies, apparently unresolved issues from your childhood that you won't talk about but spend an awful lot of time alluding to mysteriously so you can feel... something. I don't know.

You have a shitty attitude. You have no desire to listen to anyone tell you you're completely normal, you're just miserable. If you're this annoying to deal with online no wonder you don't have a girlfriend, women look at you and see a kicked puppy who runs from them in fear if they show any interest. You decided you were meant to be alone, congratulations, you played yourself.

You know why you haven't gone on a date in 24 years? You never asked a girl out. Again, you played yourself.

Join a club. Ask your brother to introduce you to girls he knows. Go out to the bar with friends after work. Meet people. You're a normal person who wants to be a special sad snowflake. Get therapy and get over your self.

/r/relationships Thread