25 years worth of unfiled taxes!?

Yup. Going forward it will be important to do all that paperwork. For exactly the reasons you mentioned. I think you are correct to speak with both a social worker and accountant, but prioritize the social worker. The accountant is there to make money. While the social worker is there to help people.

But for past years? It really isn't important. Or at least wasn't for me...

Years ago I had zero income while sick. (So this info could be out of date.) I was doing my taxes and got a few hours in and realized how little it mattered. I threw in best case numbers into the CRA worksheets to see what kind of money back I could get. It was less than $500 back in a best case scenario. More likely it was going to be zero. It wasn't worth the effort figuring exactly where getting a check for $1 to $500 it was going to be.

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