She 29f Wants To Be Friends. I 31m Want To Be More. Rock, meet Hard Place. Hard Place, meet Rock.

The best thing to do in this situation is end the friendship. Its nice that she wants to remain friends and all, but it is incredibly hard to get over someone when you are still hanging out with them regularly and pining over them. I'm not saying you guys cant be friends in the future, but you deff need space right now.

Now about not being sexually experienced. That's ok! And let me tell you, I stayed with one of my Ex's for over a year that was shit in bed, but he had a great personality, lol. People aren't as shallow as you think hun. When someone truly cares for you, they make it work. My now Husband and I have amazing sex (thanks to great communication), but every once in a while, yeah, its just a miss. That happens in life. So don't sweat that stuff.

And the biggest rule in dating. Just have fun. Look at the positive from all your encounters, and the people you meet, and the new things you experience. It really shows when a guy or girl is insanely nervous, and makes your date nervous in turn. Men and woman both like confidence, and for you to have confidence you need to like your self. So stop thinking of all the things you believe you 'lack' and instead think of all the wonderful things you have to offer someone. You seem like a great guy, and I dont want to see you strung along on this girl. So I think you should step back and give yourself time to get over her. And start acknowledging the great things about yourself.

/r/relationships Thread